Am I Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits?
Being diagnosed with a disability can be life-changing, but when your condition prevents you from being able to earn a living, you need to find a solution so you can continue providing for yourself and your family.
Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees the social security disability insurance (SSDI) program which provides benefits to people in situations just like yours. If you would like to know more about the SSD qualifying criteria, continue reading.
Understanding the Work Credit Requirement
In order to be approved for SSD benefits, you need to have earned the appropriate number of work credits for your age. For most individuals, this amounts to forty total credits, with twenty of them being earned in the last ten years. You can earn up to four credits each year and as of 2019, you will earn one credit for every $1,360 you earn at work.
The total number of credits earned will be less for younger people who have not had the capability of earning more. These work credits are mandatory due to the fact that the SSDI program is an insurance program of sorts, paid into by workers across the country, and those who haven’t paid into it cannot reap the benefits.
Qualifying Conditions and What to Do if Yours Isn’t on the List
The other requirement you will need to meet is having a disabling condition. Your condition must prevent you from doing any type of work for the foreseeable future.
The SSA maintains a list of qualifying conditions that will automatically result in this requirement being met, but if your condition isn’t on that list, you aren’t necessarily disqualified if your medical records indicate your condition to be severely disabling.
Meet with a Boston SSDI Lawyer
If you are no longer able to work and believe you may be entitled to social security disability benefits, reach out to an experienced Boston SSDI lawyer at Joel H. Schwartz, PC. You can schedule your no-cost consultation by giving our office a call at 617-742-1170 or by filling out the quick contact form we have provided below.