Brockton Broken Bone Lawyer
From fractures to breaks, a bone injury can lead to substantial medical debt, lost income, and physical suffering. Find out if you can get compensated by working with a Brockton broken bone lawyer.
Broken bones are almost certainly one of the most commonly seen personal injuries. Nonetheless, the medical expenses and negative repercussions of a bone injury can be every bit as serious as any other injury type. If this is the situation you find yourself in, you might be able to hold the responsible party financially liable through a personal injury claim that compensates you for your losses.
This is not an easy process, however. The other party likely won’t be eager to admit fault, and they almost certainly won’t be willing to pay you anything unless they absolutely have to. This is especially true when an insurance company is involved. Fortunately, a Brockton broken bone lawyer from the Law Offices of Joel H. Schwartz can help take on these challenges and come out on top with the settlement you need.
Fracture Type Will Affect Compensation
The extent and severity of your bone injury will have a significant impact on your financial compensation. While most broken bones heal in time, some require substantially more medical care and healing time than others.
For example a hairline fracture might be painful and prevent you from taking part in certain activities—possibly even limiting your ability to work. Medical care will be required, but mostly in the form of diagnosing and monitoring the bone injury. Within a few months, you should be able to resume your accustomed lifestyle.
A bone that has been severely broken or crushed, on the other hand, might require surgery in order to bring it back into alignment. It might even be necessary to install screws, plates, and pins in order to recover to the fullest extent possible. A bone that breaks through the surface of your skin will also be at high risk for infection. Obviously, the expenses involved in recovering from this sort of bone injury will be much higher and the effect on your quality of life much more severe.
Getting a Full Settlement for a Bone Injury
Your personal injury claim should factor in all of your losses and damages. Whether they are financial in nature or reflect how your quality of life has been diminished, you deserve to be fully compensated. Your Brockton broken bone lawyer will work closely with both you and your doctor so that a full assessment of your claim’s value can be performed.
This could include all of the items listed below if they apply to your particular situation:
- Expenses for current and future medical care, surgeries, and procedures
- Mobility equipment and other medical devices
- Lost wages and income
- Transportation expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Lost enjoyment of life
- Emotional distress
Get Help from a Brockton Bone Fracture Lawyer
Whether you broke a bone in a car wreck or fractured one in a construction accident, you deserve to be compensated for your losses. To find out what your claim is worth and whether you have grounds for a case, speak with a Brockton broken bone lawyer from the Law Offices of Joel H. Schwartz. To get started with a free case evaluation, call 1-800-660-2270 or complete the contact form below.